What’s Different In Our Tuition Classes For NJC IP Students?

Most people think that all secondary schools run a similar curriculum, and any tuition class will work as long as it is for the secondary school level. However, some schools – especially those running the Integrated Programme, have quite distinct programmes. The topics, depth, breadth, difficulty, and sequence of teaching may all differ from the standard O Level curriculum.

In this article, we want to highlight the curriculum of one IP school – National Junior College. In conducting IP tuition classes in Singapore, our tuition teachers noticed some differences in the NJC curriculum as compared to the O Level curriculum and other IP school’s programmes. And that is why we are one of few tuition centres in Singapore who have dedicated classes for NJC students only, to tailor the classroom experience for this group of students.

How is the NJC IP curriculum different?

Science and math in NJC IP track are examined at a very in-depth level, almost similar to A Level standard. Although the topics are similar to O Level and other IP schools, the difficulty of questions and depth of knowledge tested is higher than that of other schools.

Hence, expect to see more application-type questions and fewer simple recall questions for science exams. Students might not get the full exposure to the NJC difficulty level by only practicing questions from other secondary schools – we recommend focusing on other IP school papers and potentially even some A Level questions.

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How do we conduct tuition for NJC (Secondary) students?

Exclusive classes

While weaker students may benefit from attending any IP or O Level tuition class to boost their foundation, we find it most beneficial for NJC students to attend a dedicated class with only NJC students. This way, our tutors can focus on going through the NJC syllabus in a way that is most suited to the standards and pace of NJC students.

To address the difference in curriculum for NJC students, our tutors are prepared to offer more in-depth explanations as well as provide a wider range of practice questions to expose students to the difficulty level of their school exams. Our tutors are able to curate a selection of suitable questions to sufficiently prepare students for their school assessments.

Expert tutors

The average O Level tutor might not be familiar with the demands of the NJC curriculum. This is precisely why we have experienced NJC tutors in our team to guide the way we tutor NJC students. Many of our IP tutors also tutor A Level students, so we are familiar with both the secondary and A Level curriculum and demands.

Furthermore, with every current batch of NJC students, we make every effort to stay updated with any changes and trends in the way their curriculum and exams are conducted.

Interested in our High Quality Small Group Tuition?

Check with us now to enroll in teaching experts' classes

Learn more about our high profile tuition teachers, tuition fees and time table for all on-going classes. And check class listing for subjects you are interested in.
For enquiries, please SMS/Whatsapp 8457 7888 or reach us at 6884 6566 now!


With a deep understanding of the NJC curriculum and the mindset of NJC students, our tutors are well-equipped to support NJC students academically. And our remarkable track record testifies to this, as we have successfully helped many students achieve the results they were aiming for!

So, if your teen is in NJC, and you want them to benefit from exclusive coaching by NJC expert tutors, get in touch with us right now! Let’s help your teen make that study transformation and achieve their academic targets this year!

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