Tuition Articles
2024 PSLE Chinese Comprehension: Tutor’s Review And Tips
This year’s PSLE has come and gone, so let’s do a quick review of one of the talked-about papers from this year’s exam – the Chinese Paper 2! The Paper 2 in Chinese consists of several components, including multiple-choice questions on language use, a cloze passage, completing a dialogue, and comprehension passages. Of these, the [...]
Ready For Success: Why Sec 1 Bridging Classes Are Worth It
As the Primary 6 journey comes to an end, students across Singapore prepare to embark on a new chapter: Secondary 1. For many, this transition brings excitement but also the challenge of adapting to a new learning environment, a broader curriculum, and the increased independence expected in secondary school. To support their child with these [...]
How Year-End Tuition Classes Help IP Students Prepare For JC
So, you have just completed your four years of the Integrated Programme, successfully passed your promotional exams, and will be entering Junior College next year! You have a well-deserved break until orientation starts in end-January and lessons start proper. The question is, should you spend some time preparing for JC? For students who are keen [...]
2023 PSLE Cut-Off Points For Secondary Schools (2024 Intake)
Wondering which secondary schools your child can enter? Or which would be most suitable for their academic abilities? Browse through the 2023 PSLE cut-off points of secondary schools below to help you make a wise decision for your secondary school selection! How are cut-off points calculated? The cut-off point of a school is the score [...]
Reviewing The PSLE 2024 Chinese Paper 1 Composition Question
Every year after the PSLE, there will always be some discussion amongst students and parents about the current year’s papers. While it is not helpful for Primary 6 students who have already completed the exams, current P4 and P5 students in PSLE Chinese Tuition may find it useful to know the trends and standard of [...]
4 Reasons Why Holiday Tuition Programmes Are Worth It
It’s the end of the school year, and most students are looking forward to the year-end holidays where they can enjoy more free time doing the things they enjoy. But for some students, the holidays are also a precious time for catching up on their studies or getting a headstart on next year’s learning. Are [...]
How Our Top Tutors Prep Students for GEP Selection Test
Each year, many parents and students eagerly await the results of the Gifted Education Programme (GEP) Screening Test. With the GEP Selection Test (Round 2) approaching in October, parents may wonder how best to support their child in preparing for this assessment. As a tuition centre in Singapore offering GEP preparation classes, we are here [...]
The New GEP In Singapore: What Parents Need To Know
For nearly four decades, the Gifted Education Programme (GEP) has been a cornerstone of Singapore's approach to nurturing high-ability learners. However, this familiar landscape is set to change with recent announcements from Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, who revealed plans to overhaul how high-ability students are supported in schools. At this year’s National Day Rally, PM [...]
How To Make Last-Minute Revision Work: Tips From Our Tutors
After the September break, most students are gearing up for their major exam of the year – the year-end exams. With only 1 to 2 months left, many parents are wondering how best to support their child’s revision during this critical period. Should your child be re-reading their textbooks, focusing on practice papers, or seeking [...]
Our Tutor Talks High-Ability Classes & GEP On CNA News
We are thrilled to share the exciting news that our Principal Tutor, Ms Chen, was recently invited by Channel News Asia to provide her expert insights on high-ability classes in enrichment centres! In an interview at our tuition centre in Bugis, Ms Chen provided valuable comments on the trends for high-ability learning and our centre’s [...]