Tuition Articles
2024 A Level Results: Our Students’ Great Achievements
Last year’s JC graduates received their 2024 A Level results recently! We are so proud of our students who have achieved significant improvements and great results after months of hard work in the last year. Our JC tutors who journeyed with these students were so excited to receive messages of good results and appreciation! Our [...]
New A Level Rank Points System: How Will It Affect You?
The new A Level rank point system is part of the Ministry of Education’s plan to reduce exam stress and encourage students to pursue their interests. Since 2024, Project Work has become a Pass/Fail subject instead of being given a letter grade. And from 2026, local universities will only count applicants’ 3 H2 core subjects [...]
How To Develop Your Child’s Math Passion With Math Olympiad
Have you heard of Math Olympiad? Math Olympiads are competitions in which students are assessed on their math abilities. All over the world, Math Olympiads are held to allow students to challenge themselves with intriguing math puzzles, usually designed to also foster a love for math. In Singapore, there are several locally organised Math Olympiads [...]
Unlock Your Potential: Programmes For High-Ability Learners
Contrary to popular belief, tuition isn’t just for students struggling to keep up academically. Many high-ability learners seek out tuition to further develop their talents in an environment that nurtures curiosity and challenges their capabilities. At Future Academy, we pride ourselves on being a learning centre that caters to these bright minds—especially IP school students [...]
English, But Not Really: What Is The Language Arts Subject?
Have you ever glanced at the list of subjects or timetable of a student from Nanyang Girls' High School, National Junior College, or Temasek Junior College (Secondary) and noticed something peculiar? You might realise that these students don’t study a subject called "English Language." Instead, they have a subject called Language Arts (LA). If you’re [...]
How To Use Math Assessment Books To Boost Your Study Routine
Lots of parents are familiar with the concept of giving their children assessment books as extra practice. But is it enough to just hoard assessment books and drill as many questions as possible? Is quantity all that matters? In fact, how you use the assessment book matters! Also, some assessment books are designed to offer [...]
2024 O Level Results Spotlight: Our Students’ Achievements
The O Level results were released earlier in January and we were so excited to receive so many messages of our students’ great results! We are so thankful for the trust and kind messages of appreciation that we have received, and are so proud of every student who have put in the effort to get [...]
Why Primary 5 Is Ideal For Starting PSLE Preparation Tuition
Dear parent, do you have a child who is currently in primary school? Are you wondering when the best time to start preparing your child for PSLE is? Some parents may start their child in tuition or enrichment classes very early in primary school. These are great for supporting their learning, especially if the child [...]
Parents Guide For Primary 6: Starting PSLE Year Right
It’s finally the year – the year that your child is sitting the PSLE! In Singapore, it’s common for parents to feel stressed (sometimes even more than their child) as the PSLE, the first major exam in their educational journey, approaches. But amidst the whirlwind of preparation and “kiasu” tendencies, do you know what you [...]
2024 JC Cut-Off Points: O Level L1R5 For Singapore JCs
Are you planning which JC to go to? Or is there already a school that you are eyeing and you want to gauge if you can get in? JC cut-off points provide a critical benchmark for letting students know their chances of getting into a particular school. In this article, we take a look at [...]