Study Tips & Advice
How To Understand Turning Effect of Forces in Physics
Pushing a door open, sitting on a see-saw, pedaling a bicycle – these are all real-life examples where the turning effect of forces come into play. It seems simple enough when you are able to make sense of what happens in real-life. But when it comes to solving those Physics exam questions, things aren’t so [...]
Conduction, Convection, Radiation: Applications And Examples
Thermal physics is a huge topic in secondary school and JC physics that consists of concepts like transfer of thermal energy and thermal properties of matter. Often, students trip up because there are just so many concepts to remember, including formulae and application questions! One of the biggest challenges when tackling thermal physics questions, especially [...]
A Quick Guide To Must-Know Sec 1 Linear Graph Concepts
Linear graphs may be one of the first few topics you learn in secondary school math, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy! To beginners at algebra and graphs, this topic can prove to be a little tricky, especially when doing it for the first few times. If you’re still at the stage of trying [...]
Useful Tips For Aceing Your Next English Comprehension Test
Loving to read isn’t a guaranteed ticket to being good at reading comprehension. Although you may enjoy reading for pleasure, getting good marks at the reading comprehension in English exams requires more. Amongst the skills you will need is a keen eye for detail, good answering technique, and time management. If reading comprehension is your [...]
Common Sentence Structure Mistakes & How To Correct Them
Good grammar and sentence structure are necessary for good writing and speaking. You can have an amazing storyline for your composition but terrible language will result in a composition that is difficult to understand, with a poor language score. Excelling at English isn’t just about knowing a lot of words. Knowing how to form these [...]
Your Quick Guide To Preparing For Any Verbal Reasoning Test
In Singapore, the GEP Selection Test comes with a component called the General Ability test, and this is delivered in two papers across two days. Usually, General Ability 1 is sat with the English paper, and focuses on verbal reasoning. General Ability 2 is taken with the Mathematics paper, and focuses on non-verbal reasoning. We’ve [...]
What Is The General Ability Test And How Can You Prepare For It?
In your education journey, you may have come across occasions where you may be asked to do a General Ability Test. Even into adulthood, General Ability Tests are sometimes required by employers to determine the suitability of candidates that they want to hire. As a General Ability (GA) test is often very different from the [...]
Ways To Ensure You Don’t Waste Away Your Year-End Holiday
Where has all the time gone? All too soon, the academic year has come to a close, and the year-end school holidays are here again! With work-from-home still a norm across most of Singapore, and COVID-19 restrictions putting a damper on a lot of plans, the next best alternative is to spend it safely – [...]
How to Ace that GEP Selection Test (Sample Questions and Tips!)
Dear Parent, is your child going for the GEP Selection Test this November? Are you (and your child!) clueless as to what to expect at the selection test? Are you on the lookout for GEP sample questions? These days, there is quite a bit of information online on the type of questions that come up [...]
Predicting A Level Math Topics? An Analysis of RI Prelim Paper
“This topic will definitely come out in the exam! You better study or you’ll regret it.” How many times have you heard this? It’s true, teachers don’t usually encourage students to spot topics for the exams. When you study only selected topics, you take a big risk in forgoing your marks in other questions. However, [...]