Study Tips & Advice
How To Start Strong in Semester 2: High School Edition
The second half of the year is approaching, and with it comes the second academic semester and the year-end exams! Some schools are also having their term assessments very early in Term 3, very soon after the June holidays. Things become more high-stakes in these two terms, with the final exams, shorter teaching time, and [...]
4 Steps For Getting Ready For Primary School Semester 2
Just like that, the June holidays have whizzed by in a blink! It’s time to get your child ready for a new school term and semester – usually a more hectic one with more difficult topics and more content to study for at the year-end exams. To avoid having Semester 2 hit you and the [...]
Trickiest Math Topics Students Face in Upper Secondary
Students in Sec 3 and 4 know just how difficult mathematics becomes at the upper secondary levels. Even students who found themselves doing alright at math in lower secondary often find themselves suddenly struggling to understand the new topics and challenging problems introduced in Sec 3 and 4. If you want to get ensure you [...]
Why Being Bilingual Is A Good Thing For Students
Studying two languages in school is tough, but worth it. Learn about how being bilingual is beneficial to your child’s mind, education, and cultural awareness.
How To Make Bilingual Education Work For Your Child
Bringing up children who are fluent in two languages is crucial in Singapore’s education system. Here’s how you can encourage bilingual learning in your child.
5 Useful Tips For Getting Better Physics Grades in JC
When studying hard is not enough to do well in physics, try out these tips to improve your physics grade in JC.
5 Ways To Employ “Show, Don’t Tell” For PSLE Compositions
Do you often find it difficult to write a good creative English composition? Does your teacher frequently comment that your composition is not descriptive enough? To achieve a piece of writing that more vivid and engaging for the reader, one of the things English teachers and PSLE English tutors often tell students to do is [...]
Motivating Your Teen To Study After The Exams: Here’s How
Term 2 Weighted Assessments (WAs) are over, and the June holidays are fast approaching us! Naturally, teens will be thinking of dropping their studies and spending their holidays playing, watching shows, or hanging out with their friends. But if they are already lagging behind in their studies, or in an important year in school, you [...]
GEP Screening Test: What Is It And How Do I Prepare? (2023)
Know all about the GEP screening test that primary 3 students take in school, and tips on how to prepare your child for it.
Science Paper 1 Exam Tips and Techniques For Scoring Well
The Paper 1 of science subjects are always thought to be easy. Despite being called Paper 1, the multiple-choice question (MCQ) section is usually scheduled as the last paper of the subject in the exam timetable in secondary school and JC exams. As a result, many students think that they have already studied enough and [...]