Study Tips & Advice
Last Minute PSLE Study Hacks For Maximum Results
If your child is about to sit for the PSLE very soon, you are likely feeling the stress like never before. Perhaps your mind is filled with thoughts like all the topics your child has yet to master, their grades which hasn’t seemed to improve even with all the practices and tuition lessons, and the [...]
How To Revise For Molecular Genetics For Sec 4 Biology
Molecular biology is one of the big topics of upper sec biology, and a topic that many students struggle with. Not only is it a big jump going from more ‘macro’ levels of biology to the molecular level, it is also content-heavy with a lot of processes and definitions to remember. But with it being [...]
O Level English Written Paper Test Date & Study Advice
If you are taking the O Level exams in Singapore this year, you should already know that English is the first main paper to kick off the written exams in October (not counting the Mother Tongue and Third Language papers). As such, making plans to tackle this first written paper well is of paramount importance! [...]
O Level Science Practical Test Dates & Study Tips
The O Level exams for this year have begun, with most students having taken their Oral exams. The next wave of exams for most students would be the Science practical exams, which will begin in October. Many students may not put emphasis on studying for practical exams, or they might not know how to study [...]
“I Failed My Exams”: Why Do Students Do Badly In JC?
It can come as a shock when you receive the results from your first test in JC. You might have thoughts like: What happened to the Bs and As I used to get? I even failed some of the papers! What went wrong? Getting lower grades in JC compared to secondary school is a very [...]
6 Sure-Win Habits To Help You Succeed in Junior College
Many people will say that JC, or Junior College, ranks up there as one of the most stressful times in their student life. Combine an intensive curriculum across less than 2 years, with other CCA commitments, and a competitive schooling system, and it is no wonder that many teens struggle to do well or just [...]
4 Things You Should Do After Getting Back A Test Paper
For most students, the first thing they do after getting back a test is to find out how many marks they got. Did I pass? Is it an ‘A’? Did the examiner tally the marks correctly? While these are all normal reactions and things you SHOULD definitely do when you get back a test paper, [...]
Tips for Memorising O Level / A Level Physics Formulae Easily
Which is your most dreaded part about studying physics at O Levels or A Levels? For some, it is all the calculations. For others, it might be difficulty understanding certain concepts. But one thing you can’t overlook in order to excel in physics is: memorising the formulae. Compared to subjects like biology and chemistry, physics [...]
How Should I Plan My Revision For The Year-End Exams?
Term 3 has only just begun, but those students in their O Level and A Level years would have already started to feel the heat. What’s more, with the phasing out of mid-year exams in all schools, students now have one less exam to sit for before the year-end exams – bringing up the stakes [...]
Too Careless? Here’s How You Can Minimise Silly Mistakes In Math
As tutors, we often find that one of the hardest things to teach students in math is: how to avoid making careless mistakes! Your Future Academy IP Math tutor in Singapore can help you understand concepts better, teach you ways to practise smarter, and even motivate you to appreciate the subject more. However, avoiding careless [...]