Our Tutor’s Advice: How To Improve In A Level Chemistry?

Do you feel like getting good grades in JC Chemistry is out of reach? Do you struggle to improve your grades in JC Chemistry?

You are definitely not alone, as many of our students come to our JC Chemistry tuition classes with similar worries. Some students only take Chemistry because it is compulsory for science students – not because they are good or interested in it. Chemistry also requires a lot of memory work and knowing how to apply them to a diverse range of situations.

But many of our students who started out feeling helpless for Chemistry have eventually improved by leaps and bounds and excelled in it! How did they do it?

In this article, we share some of the strategies and advice given by our tutors, who have successfully guided countless students through their A Level Chemistry journey. Dive in and discover how you can transform your approach to A Level Chemistry with practical advice from the experts!

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Memorisation tips for content

Chemistry is quite content-heavy, especially when it comes to the trends in the Periodic Table and equations in Organic Chemistry. It is really difficult to memorise all the information in a short time – so don’t leave it to the last minute! Fortunately for our students at Future Academy, our weekly tuition classes incorporate regular review sessions so that we revisit important concepts that students have learnt before. We also provide handy summary notes and cheatsheets which are ready-to-use for revision!

Repetition is key. No matter which method you prefer to use to help yourself remember and internalise the content, you need to go over it sufficient number of times to really get it into your head. Try a method like spaced repetition to review important concepts regularly.

Practice recall. Just reading and remembering is not enough. You need to recall information quickly during the exam. Use something like flashcards to test yourself regularly so that you can recall formulae and concepts quickly.

Try fun things. Use different ways to help yourself remember content easily. Some things to try: Make up a fun mnemonic or draw a colour-coded flow chart.

Understand what examiners want

Answering technique is just as important as content knowledge. In the exams, if you don’t have the right keywords or presentation, examiners have the right not to award you marks. The great thing about attending a tuition class with us is that our students benefit from the insider knowledge of our experienced ex-MOE teachers! Our tutors are able to provide tips about the important keywords, phrases, and workings that students must have in their answers.

Read and analyse the question. Look out for key information, keywords, and decide what exactly the question is looking for. You can also look at the number of marks allocated to decide how much information you need to write in your answer. For example, a question which asks you to ‘name’ or ‘state’ something usually just requires a one-word or one phrase answer. But when a question asks you to ‘explain’ or ‘describe’, then you need to provide a more detailed explanation or description.

Use keywords wisely. Refer to reliable answer keys provided by your school or tuition centre to familiarise yourself with the keyphrases that are important for each concept. Usually, the must-have phrases are underlined or bolded, and you will see the mark allocation for each point.

Exposure and practice

In our Chemistry tuition classes, we provide students with plenty of practice – including worksheets, mock papers, and past year papers. It is one of the best ways to apply all that you have learnt, including content knowledge and answering technique. Furthermore, you will also get exposure to the common question types, and develop your time management skills.

Start with topical questions. To practice recall and familiarisation with a particular topic, we recommend starting with topical questions only related to that topic.

Practice mixed-topics questions and papers. When you are somewhat confident with all the topics you need for your test, you can move on to mixed-topics tests and mock quizzes. This exposes you to questions that involve more than one topic.

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The great realisation for many is that exam success does not come with just mastering the concepts. It is also understanding how to tackle exam questions and how to practise effectively in the lead up to the exams.

The good news is that you don’t have to fight this battle alone. Our JC Tuition teachers are here to help you plug in gaps in your revision strategies, helping you develop a consistent and effective study routine. In addition to sorting out your understanding of concepts, we also provide you with specially curated resources to make studying more organised and efficient.

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