Explore Sample Lesson Materials: IP & Secondary Math Notes

Is your math exam coming up, and you want some extra math resources and practice questions to help you in exam revision? As a tuition provider, we have amassed years and years of math past year exam questions from schools in Singapore, and we know all the common questions and tough questions often set in the exam papers.

As such, we have also compiled some of these into a handy package for you to try your hands at!

In fact, most of our learning resources are carefully handpicked by our tutors to provide the most effective consolidation of learning. When you join one of our IP math tuition classes, you will also get to receive and experience more of our targeted approaches to helping students learn more efficiently.

Our learning materials are:


Great for checking your knowledge of a certain topic, our notes are mostly organised according to topics taught in school. You can easily get notes or worksheets on a certain topic, or ask for more questions of a particular topic that you need more help in.


For a subject like mathematics, we also sort out some notes and worksheets according to the skills required to solve the question. This way, students can easily check the type of methods they need to know and get more practice on the steps they are not so familiar with.


Overseen by expert tutors such as ex-MOE school subject HODs and top IP school teachers (including RGS, HCI), the learning materials you get at Future Academy are filtered through teachers who were once also markers and setters of exam papers. Hence, we can provide the most accurate answer keys based on what we know schools and the exam board look out for.

Math sample resources

Secondary 1

Our notes for the sec 1 topic Linear Graphs starts with an introduction that explains the historical origins of the concept. This puts the topic into context and helps students gain an appreciation for why this mathematical concept was invented! We also provide ample examples before going into some practice questions to let students apply their newfound knowledge.

Secondary 2

The sec 2 topic quadratic graphs builds upon existing knowledge of algebraic equations and graphs. The notes eases students into the topic by introducing new concepts step by step, with examples and practice questions after each section to test their knowledge. This way, students can learn incrementally without feeling overwhelmed.

Secondary 3

The secondary 3 topic trigonometry is a huge topic. So we have it split into two chapters and many sections, to break up learning into different skills and concepts. At the end of the chapters, we also include further practice questions to emulate questions in the exam, where questions requiring different skills and applications are found together.

Secondary 4

Integration and its applications is one of the toughest topics in upper secondary math. Recognising this, we make sure our notes are as clear and understandable as possible. Our explanations relate concepts to how they are derived and real-world applications so that students can easily visualise and comprehend.

Get practice questions

For the hardworking ones, our principal math tutor (former HOD of a top MOE school) has also prepared a compilation of practice questions from math past year exam papers on selected topics for your personal revision and math exam practice! Simply fill up the form below to receive the question pack with answers in your email inbox!

Answers keys not enough?

The provided answer keys are great for checking your answers, but, what if you have no idea how to get the answer? Perhaps you need more explanation by a teacher, and that’s where we can help! Join us in one of our Secondary Math tuition classes to get more in-depth math study help, from revising concepts to effective techniques to tackle exam questions!

For students studying in IP schools like RGS, NYGH, RI, HCI, and more – we also have IP tuition classes for you! These classes will cater to your school’s curriculum and demands, matching the rigorous pace of the IP.

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