How Does Tuition Help Me Improve in General Paper?

If you’re here, you’re probably wondering if General Paper tuition is for you. Do you really need GP tuition? Can self-studying GP be enough to get good GP grades?

Love it or hate it, GP is a compulsory subject at the A Levels, and it can make or break you’re aggregate score. Besides, there are many good reasons why studying GP is important – even beyond the exams. It’s only natural that you want to score well for GP!

But here’s the thing: Most students don’t know how to study for GP. To score well, you need a combination of language skills, critical thinking, and general knowledge. These are all skills that take time and intentional effort to build up. Most students don’t know where to begin, what they need to cover, and what kind of study methods to use to improve in GP.

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How GP tuition can help you

But there is good news! We find that many students were able to pull up their GP grades simply by attending tuition. Of course – this also means putting in the work by participating in class and attempting practice questions.

Is the solution to better GP grades that simple? Well, let’s take a look at how our GP tutors at Future Academy prepares students for the GP exams:

Class discussions to exchange opinions and grow confidence

The bulk of GP is about being able to articulate your opinions in a convincing way. Rather than getting buried in guidebooks and model essays, we encourage students to practice forming their own arguments through class discussions. Through friendly debates, students are fired up to exchange ideas, get exposed to different viewpoints, and are more engaged in the issues they discuss.

Putting these thoughts down onto paper gets easier after these discussions, as students are already equipped with the buzzwords and main arguments.

Some of the essay topics we discuss together in class.

Written practices for exam familiarisation

We set aside plenty of time to do written practices – some which are guided and some which are more independent in nature. Through these sessions, students can put their newfound skills into action, get used to the exam format and requirements, and also get exposed to the range of question types presented in the exam.

Practicalities like time management and stamina for handwriting are also built up through timed sessions which simulate exam conditions.

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For enquiries, please SMS/Whatsapp 8457 7888 or reach us at 6884 6566 now!

Individual guidance and feedback

GP is one of those subjects you can’t really mark by yourself. It is valuable to have feedback from someone who knows exactly what examiners are looking for. Our GP tutors include people who have aced their GP exams, marked GP exams in schools, or even set GP exams before.

Instead of waiting weeks for your school teacher to come back with your homework, our tutors have a faster turnaround time and ample opportunities for individual consultations. This way, you can practice at a steady pace and apply any given suggestions to improve more rapidly.


Are you convinced yet? Studying GP alone is kind of like running a race without knowing the destination. It can be really difficult knowing the right steps to improve your grades. But having help from a GP tutor provides you a roadmap and a guide, pointing you towards the right direction!

If you are ready to embark on your journey towards ‘A’ for GP, don’t wait any longer to join our A Level GP tuition class!

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