A few weeks back, the word of the internet in Singapore was none other than ‘UMBRAGE’. To many, it was an unfamiliar term, but the controversial context to the word’s usage surely made it stick. Just because of one news-worthy event, suddenly everyone knew the meaning of the word ‘umbrage’, and were using it everywhere.
If only learning new words everyday was this easy!
Students will know the struggle of trying to pick up new vocabulary. More often, they read a word somewhere and then promptly forget about it. Many times, they don’t even bother looking up the meaning.
Yet, having a strong vocabulary bank is so crucial! Not only does it help children express themselves better, it also comes in handy for writing more interesting compositions in English class. If you have a child in primary school, you will know just how important vocabulary is.
So, it’s time to stop leaving it to chance, and use a tried and tested method instead! Yes, there are systematic ways to learn new English words, and we’ll be sharing some of this tips and tricks with you. Want to grow your child’s vocabulary bank and English ability? Stick around for our tips below!