Educational Guides
What Can Parents Do To Support Their Child In GEP?
What exciting news is it to know that your child has gotten into GEP! The Gifted Education Programme in Singapore is highly selective, and only a very small fraction of students can make it into the programme. But some parents may soon feel the worry that having a GEP child brings. With your child going [...]
Niche Programmes You Can Join in SG’s Secondary Schools
Increasingly, schools and parents are recognising the need for more diverse study options. While STEM subjects are still highly popular, over the years there has been an increase in choices and pathways for students who have varied interests and talents. Is your child interested to pursue music or art, and wish to take it as [...]
PSLE Cut-Off Points And Indicative AL Scores (2019-2020)
Compare PSLE cut-off points and indicative AL scores from years 2019 and 2020 to make the best informed decision for your child’s secondary school.
Your Quick Guide To Preparing For Any Verbal Reasoning Test
In Singapore, the GEP Selection Test comes with a component called the General Ability test, and this is delivered in two papers across two days. Usually, General Ability 1 is sat with the English paper, and focuses on verbal reasoning. General Ability 2 is taken with the Mathematics paper, and focuses on non-verbal reasoning. We’ve [...]
What Is The General Ability Test And How Can You Prepare For It?
In your education journey, you may have come across occasions where you may be asked to do a General Ability Test. Even into adulthood, General Ability Tests are sometimes required by employers to determine the suitability of candidates that they want to hire. As a General Ability (GA) test is often very different from the [...]
Ways To Ensure You Don’t Waste Away Your Year-End Holiday
Where has all the time gone? All too soon, the academic year has come to a close, and the year-end school holidays are here again! With work-from-home still a norm across most of Singapore, and COVID-19 restrictions putting a damper on a lot of plans, the next best alternative is to spend it safely – [...]
Know The Difference: Integrated Programme VS O Level Track
Are you or your child faced with the tough choice of choosing between the IP or O Level track? Or perhaps, your child may already be in the IP track, but you aren’t really sure what to expect. Well, we’re here to explain some of these differences you can expect as a student in the [...]
Is Your Child Gifted? What You Need To Know About GEP In Singapore
Get to know what the gifted education programme in Singapore is all about, including how to increase your child’s chances of entering the programme.
What’s All The Fuss About Tough PSLE Math Questions?
Complaining about difficult PSLE questions seems to be an annual ritual. Here’s this year’s stand-out question, its solution, and some insights about the PSLE.
Top IB Schools in Singapore: Which is Best for You?
We gather some of the best IB schools in Singapore into a nifty schools comparison list for you. Use this one-stop guide to choose the right school!