Educational Guides
Interviewed by TODAY: Ms Yvonne Chen’s Thoughts on Tuition in Singapore
Recently, we were thrilled to be interviewed by news outlet Today for their feature article! Titled “The Big Read: Singapore’s endless love affair with private tuition just got deeper with Covid-19” (14 August 2021), the article delved into the nation’s ongoing ‘obsession’ with tuition and enrichment classes, especially in the light of Covid-19 and China’s [...]
How To Nail Kinematics Questions By Avoiding These Mistakes
One of the first topics you learn in physics is none other than kinematics. Most textbooks will tell you that kinematics is the study of motion. This often includes learning how to describe and calculate values related to how objects move. The most important concepts to understand are speed, velocity, and acceleration. Speed: how fast [...]
Expository Essays Made Easy: 5 Tips to Writing Better
Generally, expositions or expository essays are non-fiction pieces of writing with the purpose of informing the audience about a certain topic or issue. Thus, it is built on facts and a logical presentation of perspectives, rather than imagination and storylines. The question is, how exactly do you write a good expository essay? How can you [...]
5 Tips For Every Sec 1 Student Struggling With Algebra
When you are a young teen just learning algebra, it can feel like a whole new world. Yet, there is no running away from it because it is the foundation to so many other math topics in secondary school and beyond. So, if your child is having trouble making sense of algebra, or always making [...]
Effective Ways to Build Your Child’s Vocabulary: 4 Easy Steps
A few weeks back, the word of the internet in Singapore was none other than ‘UMBRAGE’. To many, it was an unfamiliar term, but the controversial context to the word’s usage surely made it stick. Just because of one news-worthy event, suddenly everyone knew the meaning of the word ‘umbrage’, and were using it everywhere. [...]
2016 PSLE 2017 Sec 1 Cut-off-point
2016 PSLE 2017 Secondary 1 Cut off point School Express/IP NA NT Anderson Sec Sch 245 Anglican High Sch 238 Anglo-Chinese Sch (Independent) 256 Beatty Sec Sch 210 Bukit Batok Sec Sch 222 Bukit Panjang Govt High Sch 245 191 146 Catholic High Sch 252 248 Cedar Girls' Sec Sch 254 250 CHIJ Sec (Toa [...]
Information on Math Competitions 2017
We are experienced in coaching students for Math Competition. For more information on our students' achievements, please click here. Name of the competition and organizer Dates and duration Additional Information Website Raffles Institution Primary Mathematics World Contest (RIPMWC) By Raffles Institute Round 1: 28 March 2017 (Wednesday), 1 hour for 30 MCQs. [...]
Why reading should be a compulsory subject in school
This is an interesting article on the Straits Times. -- Let's make reading a compulsory subject in our primary and secondary schools. In fact, let's make it examinable too. This idea might seem hare-brained at first glance. But I believe that it will transform us not only as individuals but also as a nation. The [...]
Year 2015 Singapore PSLE Cut-off-Point (for 2016 Sec 1 intake)
PSLE cut-off for Non-Affiliated SchoolsSecondary School (Aggregate range of 2015 Primary 6 students posted to 2016 Secondary 1) Type 2016 Sec1 Express (Lower) 2016 Sec1 Express (Upper) 2016 Sec1 Express (Median) 2016 Sec1 Normal (A) Lower 2016 Sec1 Normal (T) Lower AFFILIATION 2016 Sec1 Express (Lower) Affiliated JC Integrated Programmes (IP) JC Partner NANYANG […]
Featured Article: Tuition group size matters
Glad to share the featured article on our tuition centre at Kiasu Parents homepage! Full article can be found from this link: -- Who are we: Many years ago when I was studying in one of Singapore’s top secondary schools in Singapore, Mathematics used to be my problem subject and I remember going for tuition [...]