Educational Guides
Information on Math Competitions 2017
We are experienced in coaching students for Math Competition. For more information on our students' achievements, please click here. Name of the competition and organizer Dates and duration Additional Information Website Raffles Institution Primary Mathematics World Contest (RIPMWC) By Raffles Institute Round 1: 28 March 2017 (Wednesday), 1 hour for 30 MCQs. [...]
Why reading should be a compulsory subject in school
This is an interesting article on the Straits Times. -- Let's make reading a compulsory subject in our primary and secondary schools. In fact, let's make it examinable too. This idea might seem hare-brained at first glance. But I believe that it will transform us not only as individuals but also as a nation. The [...]
Year 2015 Singapore PSLE Cut-off-Point (for 2016 Sec 1 intake)
PSLE cut-off for Non-Affiliated SchoolsSecondary School (Aggregate range of 2015 Primary 6 students posted to 2016 Secondary 1) Type 2016 Sec1 Express (Lower) 2016 Sec1 Express (Upper) 2016 Sec1 Express (Median) 2016 Sec1 Normal (A) Lower 2016 Sec1 Normal (T) Lower AFFILIATION 2016 Sec1 Express (Lower) Affiliated JC Integrated Programmes (IP) JC Partner NANYANG […]
Featured Article: Tuition group size matters
Glad to share the featured article on our tuition centre at Kiasu Parents homepage! Full article can be found from this link: -- Who are we: Many years ago when I was studying in one of Singapore’s top secondary schools in Singapore, Mathematics used to be my problem subject and I remember going for tuition [...]
Top Sec Schools’ COP & EESIS COP in the last 10 years
Compiled the information found online to help parents to choose secondary schools for their children. EESIS (Year in P6) 2015 – 262 2014 – 258 2013 – 258 2012 – 262 2011 – 260 2010 – 260 2009 – 261 2008 – 263 2007 – 264 2006 – 262 (Year entering Sec 1, COP* is […]
List of SAP schools (consider HCL marks in PSLE 2015)
After PSLE, parents will choose secondary schools for their children. SAP schools are those schools considering HCL marks, and they include those in their COP (e.g. 265 as in 262+3 or 263+2 or 264+1). Here is the list of SAP schools: Anglican High School Catholic High School CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ School Chung Cheng High [...]
Minimize the Number of Careless Mistakes by Applying The Four-Step Problem Solving Process
This Four-Step Problem Solving Process has been proven to be an effective strategy to minimize the number of careless mistakes! George Polya was a Hungarian mathematician who made fundamental contributions to combinatorics, number theory, numerical analysis and probability theory. He was known as the father of problem-solving as he outlined the problem-solving steps. The four [...]
How to overcome the problem of having careless mistakes in tests and exams?
How to overcome the problem of having careless mistakes in tests and exams? It is one of the most frequently asked questions by my students and parents. “My child knows everything but he/she makes too many careless in test/exam. How to avoid making so many careless mistakes” “I could do the questions but made careless [...]
How is all round education like?
There is always a discussion among educators that how the all round education should be like. My personal opinion is there are three very important areas that educators shall focus on: health, character and knowledge building. In our tuition centre, on top of emphasizing knowledge building, our tuition teachers also seize teachable moments to have [...]
What is a Good Tuition Centre in Singapore
There are quite a number of tuition centres in Singapore. Here are some advises on choosing a good tuition centre among them. But please keep in mind that the tuition fee must be high if a tuition centre can meet all of following. 1. Quality of Tuition Teachers Most of the tutors in the tuition centres [...]