Ms Lien

Ms Lien

Ms Lien is a tutor with many years experience, specializing in tutorage for students in secondary school mathematics. She is an engineering graduate from Nanyang Technological University. Students taught under her previously have scored well in their GCE ‘O’ level examinations in Additional mathematics.

Tutoring Experience

  • Specialise in tutoring students for Secondary school mathematics
  • Very experienced in coaching IP Mathematics

 Teaching Style

  • Provides step-to-step assistance as and when needed for students
  • Adjusts practice and teaching materials according to each and every student’s needs and understanding in the subject
  • Provides further higher-level assessments and practices to further reinforce understanding towards subject among students
  • Conducts timed mock tests and exams in order to help students adjust to real-life test settings in school
  • Nanyang Technological University, Bachelor of Engineering


All About the New L1R4 Scoring For JC Admissions (From 2028)

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2024 A Level Results: Our Students’ Great Achievements

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New A Level Rank Points System: How Will It Affect You?

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